Friday, October 19, 2007

City's New Sit Down, Shoot Up Drug Cafe

The Associated Press reports about 150 people gathered in the Mission District to build community support for a city-funded safe-injection center, including backing from Mayor Gavin Newsom and the Board of Supervisors.

Heroin and Cocaine aren’t cheap and sort of addicting. Good luck keeping a job to support your habit. Shooting drugs is a real slippery slope:

B) Homeless
C) Thievery
D) All of the Above.

If you answered “All of the Above,” you were correct.
Why spend taxpayer's money to sit and watch junkies kill themselves, when we can build a jail complete with a rehab center?

The law is supposed to be blind; not us citizen's who trip over these chalk outlines on our way to work. Junkies are just as responsible for upholding the law as the people they rob. Enough of this preferential drug treament, jail them! If mayor’s new “services or citation” sweeps don't net these zombies, then holding, selling illegal should.

Sure, zero will want to participate and few will succeed. Yet, better behind bars, than in front me. The chronic users return to the streets,only long enough to violate their probation and earn longer and longer sentences.
Alive in jail or dead on bail - don't care! In fact, 911 should answer overdose calls with two options: prison time or funeral parlor?

The only good junky is a dead junky. The problem is the addicts living amongst us; and the solution is jail. My 'soul' goal is clean, safe streets for taxpayers and voters who've had it with vagrancy, panhandling, defecating in doorways and other quality-of-life crimes:

  • Dirty Needles in Golden Gate Park

  • Busted Car Windows

  • Muggings at Knifepoint

  • Constant Paper Cup Jiggling Change

  • AIDS, Hepatitis C, Etc.

But seriously, I agree with Gavin Newsom's assesment of the war on drugs as well as these services from police to facilities to counselors won't be cheap, but the status quo is more costly - maybe, your life? Have you walked the Tenderloin lately... It looks like a third world country and now the City want's us to add a drug den?
I'm not a social worker, but I know how to tie my shoes and wipe ass; and this drug den idea stinks - flush it!

One alternative to overflowing jails is to build a “Tent City” in the Golden Gate Park in which to incarcerate ‘low risk’ inmates with the autority to funnel these addicts and eyesores into mandated programs and out of my face!

Complete Article: San Francisco Considering Safe-Injection Center For Drug Users

Breaking News: SF Injection Center Draws Support & Doubt

Photo Credit: MESH Magazine

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